Just because we're at home, doesn't mean we stop learning!
Number to Quantity Match
Pre-schoolers will probably need repeated direction while kindergardeners should be able to do on their own, slight instruction might be needed for the first page.
* Simply roll your cursor over the page you want and click it! Your browser will open a new window/page with the full paged version of the worksheet ready to print.
* Open the 'file' tab at the top left of your browser and scroll through the options until you find the 'print' command. It's that easy!
As a mother of two, (a six and a four year old) I wanted to come up with supplemental worksheets for my pre-k/kindergardeners to do. As her preschool focused on my six year old's speech therapy, other learning seemed to be lacking since she was placed with a younger aged class. The worksheets worked so well and my daughter loved them so much, I thought I'd share them with anyone that might need them!
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